Analysis of Transepithelial PRK Results

Sunday, April 27, 2014: 3:49 PM
Room 155 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Chitra R. Ramamurthy, MD, The Eye Foundation, Coimbatore, India
Ramamurthy Dandapani, MD, The Eye Foundation, Coimbatore, India

Narrative Responses:

The intent of this retrospective analysis was to evaluate the performance of Transepithelial PRK which included the feasibility of treating thin corneas or eyes with moderate myopic refractive errors and achieved the desired refractive result addressing all the safety parameters.

254 eyes of 131 patients, age group ranging 18 to 32 years were retrospectively analyzed, in the period Jul 2011 to Jan 2013, with a follow up of 6 months. All eyes underwent Transepithelial PRK provided with the EX500 Wavelight Laser platform. All eyes had a stable topography and hysteresis preoperatively. The refractive error ranged from +3.00Dsph to -7.50Dsp and the astigmatism ranged from-0.25Dcyl to -4.00Dcyl. The preop CCT values ranged from 440 to 627 microns. The predictability, safety and efficacy of the procedure, the statistical significance of planned versus achieved residual bed and the visual outcomes were measured.

Residual refractive error ranged from -0.12 to -1.50 Dsph eq in 34 eyes which was gratifying keeping in mind the refractive range treated and limited CCT. 92.12 % of eyes had maintained BSCVA and 7.12 % of eyes gained one line of BSCVA.  Efficacy of the procedure indicates that 82.28 % had the desired visual results and 6.69 % had better than desired visual result. 87.48% had predictable residual beds.  5 eyes had minimal epithelial defect, 18 eyes had mild postop corneal haze. 4eyes had a temporary increase in IOP postoperatively.

Transepithelial PRK is a safe and predictable options when treating thinner corneas or eyes with moderate myopic refractive errors with stable visual outcomes, with acceptable safety parameters maintained.