Biaxial Phaco: Induced Astigmatism and Change in Higher-Order Aberrations

Tuesday, April 29, 2014: 8:06 AM
Room 151B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
L. Felipe Vejarano, MD, Fundacion Oftalmologica Vejarano, Popayan, Cauca, Colombia

Narrative Responses:

To evaluate the efficacy, reliability and safety of minimal incision with respect of induced astigmatism, change in HOA, change in elevation and corneal power.

To evaluate the efficacy, reliability and safety of minimal incision with respect of induced astigmatism, change in HOA, change in elevation and corneal power.

Until now 259 eyes with follow-up since 1 week to 3 years; the change in corneal power was 0.1 D. and elevation change was 0 microns measured by Pentacam and the induced astigmatism measured by Main Km, cosen law, Vector Analysis and subtraction of the corneal astigmatism was less than 0.1 D. in all the measurements except at the first week where was 0.111 D., the change in HOA was less than 0.017 microns in spherical aberration and less than 0.04 microns in coma, the ideal configuration will show with OCT images.

MICS had proved to be better than a standard phaco, not only in incision size but in the fluidics control and endothelial cell damage, even this technique demand a little more skills, after pass the learning curve this technique is more benefit for the patient and for the surgeon.