Assessment of Refractive Outcome and Surface Changes of Keratoconic Eyes after Simultaneous  Customized Trans-PRK and Corneal CXL

Monday, April 28, 2014: 3:26 PM
Room 151B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Tarek A. El-Naggar, MD, FRCS, RIO, Giza, Egypt

Narrative Responses:

To evaluate the refractive outcome and topographic changes after simultaneous transepithelial  photorefractive keratectomy (transPRK) followed by corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) for keratoconic eyes.

Ten eyes (12 patients) diagnosed with progressive keratoconus were treated with corneal wavefront customized transPRK with MMC using Schwind Amaris excimer laser system followed by corneal collagen crosslinking with riboflavin/ ultraviolet A irradiation.
Thinnest pachymetry was 450 microns at least and maximum ablation depth was 50 micron.

The mean preoperative SE was -3.925+/-1.027 (-2 to -5) improved to -0.975+/-0.447 (-0.25 to -1.5) which was statistically significant. The CDVA improved in all cases with 0% of eyes lost any line and stability reached after 3 months with no further progression of the keratoconus. Follow-up mean was 12.7 months (6 to 24).

Customized TransPRK with corneal collagen crosslinking seems to be a promising surgical modality for certain keratoconic eyes. Further follow-up is a must to assess stability.