F119 Combined Laser–Assisted Cataract Surgery With Laser Posterior Capsulotomy and Silicone Oil Removal

Friday, April 25, 2014
KIOSKS (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Pavel Stodulka, MD, PhD, Gemini Eye Clinic, Zlin, Czech Republic
Laser posterior capsulotomy was performed using the Victus femtosecond laser (Technolas Bausch + Lomb) after laser-assisted cataract surgery and removal of silicone oil. A trifocal IOL FineVision (Physiol) was implanted in the capsular bag.  It was possible to perform laser posterior capsulotomy and evacuate silicone oil through both anterior and posterior capsulotomies and corneal incision with no need for pars plana incision. The IOL was well centered in the capsular bag.

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