Effect of Ultra-Weak Complex Magnetic-Electric Fields CMF on the Morphology, Structure, and Sensitivity of the Cornea

Tuesday, April 29, 2014: 10:51 AM
Room 151A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Pier Domenico D'Andrea, MD, private ophthalmologist, Pescara, Italy

Narrative Responses:

Evaluate the Topographic and Biomicroscopy Variation induced by CMF in Herpetic Leukomas of 6 patients (7 eyes) and verify the possibility of reducing the sensation of pain in patients undergoing PRK.

Six patient (7 eyes ) effected by herpetic leukoma  treated with an 8 CMF code sequence  aimed at modulating molecular and cellular polarity , activating collagen cross-linking and modulating both the cytoprotective activity and that of the stromal keratocytes. Thirty-six patients scheduled for refractive surgery with PRK procedure were divided in two group. The first group of 18 patients were exposed before and after PRK procedure with a 9 CMF code sequence for 12 minutes. The second group of 18 patients were subjected to analgesic-anti-inflammatory pharmacological therapy in the postoperative stage. Pain assessment was performed using the VAS scale on postoperative day one, three, and seven.

Changes in the pachymetry and topographic picture were observed in all of the eyes: decrement epithelium reflectance, better trophism of the nerve plexus, increase of keratocytes activated in the superficial and deep stroma, increased corneal transparency and no loss of endothelial cells. Post follow-up observation were: absence of herpetic relapse, no side effects or worsening of the conditions.  Post PRK pain in patients treated with CMFs, although intense the first day diminished significantly after exposure to CMFs. By day three pain had completed ceased. By day five none of patients witnessed/perceived pain.

CMFs have demonstrated to be effective in inducing variations of corneal morphology and structure. The amelioration of the clinical picture has corresponded to an improvement of the symptoms. Analgesic effect in Post PRK patient exposed to CMFs is evident. The pain curve is low in patients exposed to CMFs.