Clear Lens Phacoemulsification in Patients With Alport Syndrome: Electron Microscopic Analysis of Anterior Lens Capsule

Sunday, April 27, 2014: 3:31 PM
Room 151A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Onur Gokmen, MD Ankara, Turkey
Sezin A. Bayar, MD Ankara, Turkey
Gulten Karabay, MD Kahramanmara�, Turkey
Sibel Oto, MD, Baskent University Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
Ahmet Akman, MD, Baskent University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
Gursel Yilmaz, MD Ankara, Turkey

Narrative Responses:

The goal of this study was to report the ocular findings of patients with Alport syndrome and the results of clear lens extraction in this patient group. Prospective clinical study; Setting: Baskent University Hospital. Twenty-six eyes of 18 patients with a diagnosis of Alport syndrome were included in this study.

Clear corneal phacoemulsificationand intraocular foldable lens implantation was performed in eyes with indeterminate refractive errorsand/or poor visual acuityand anterior capsule samples were analyzed with electron microscopy. Main Outcome Measures: Best corrected visual acuity, lenticular astigmatism.

All patients had a history of hereditary nephritis and/or deafness as systemic involvement. Ophthalmologic examination revealed anterior lenticonus with high myopia and/or irregular astigmatism in all patients. Retinal flecks were detected in 10 patients. The mean best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.70±0.16 LogMAR (range; 1.0- 0.4) preoperatively, and 0.18±0.12 LogMAR (range; 0.3-0.0) postoperatively. Postoperative refractive lenticular astigmatism dramatically decreased and noocular complications arose during the follow-up period. Transmission electron microscopic analysis of the lens capsules supported the diagnosis of Alport syndrome.

Clear lens phacoemulsification and foldable intraocular lens implantation are a safe and effective therapeutic choice for the management of uncorrectable refractive errors and low visual acuity due to anterior lenticonus in patients with Alport syndrome.