Clinical Evaluation of Aberration-Corrected Pure Diffractive MIOL in Toric and Nontoric Versions
Narrative Responses:
Evaluation of an aberration corrected, pure diffractive multifocal IOL (MIOL) as a toric and non-toric version.
For cataract surgery we implanted a non-toric MIOL (ZMB00, AMO, USA) in patients with a corneal astigmatism of less than 1 [D] or a toric MIOL (ZMT--, AMO, USA) in patients with an astigmatism over 1 [D]. Surgical induced astigmatism was taken in account for the corneal astigmatism. Both models contain a near addition of +4.0 [D]. Pre-operative biometry was performed with the IOL-Master (V5.4, Carl Zeiss Meditech, Germany). Subjective refraction, corrected and uncorrected visual acuity, monocular and binocular (near in 30cm and distance [logMar]) as well as a binocular defocus curve were evaluated.
One week after surgery monocular UDVA was 0.1 in both MIOL groups with an UNVA of 0.2 in the toric and 0.1 in the non-toric MIOL group [logMAR]. Patients with a toric MIOL and a non-toric MIOL in the other eye even reached a UNVA of -0.05.
The aberration corrected, pure diffractive multifocal IOL with and without astigmatism correction show good refractive results for near and distance visual acuity. The patient satisfaction is very high.