Case Report of Uveitis and Papilledema With High IOP After Nd:YAG Laser Capsulotomy in Patient With Secondary Cataract

Friday, April 25, 2014
KIOSKS (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Sang Woo Kim, MD, Ulsan University Hospital, Ulsan, South Korea

Narrative Responses:

This poster will report 1 case of uveitis and papilledema with high IOP after YAG laser capsulotomy in patient of After-cataract at first time in South Korea.

A male patient in 44 years old had cataract surgery a few years ago in left eye presented our department because of left eye visual disturbance. He was diagnosed After-cataract in left eye and got YAG laser capsulotomy. After 1 day, he had headache and checked high IOP(55mmHg) with flare. After 2 days, he had anterior chamber cell reaction and optic disc swelling and remain high IOP(48mmHg).

After admission, he got steroid and anti high IOP drugs IV and topical medication. After HD 3days, he had normal IOP(20mmHg) and papilledema decreased slowly but still remained. After 4 weeks admission, he discharged with optic disc swelling and checked visual acuity 20/50 in left eye. After 3 months, optic disc swelling almost disappeared and checked visual acuity 20/30.

We realized the possibility to uveitis and papilledema  after YAG laser capsulotomy. Cortical remnant can cause uveitis and papilledema.