Efficiency of Micropulse On-Time Duty Cycle Settings
Narrative Responses:
To evaluate the optimal on time for the most efficient removal of lens fragments using micropulsed ultrasound.
Porcine lens nuclei were formalin-soaked for two hours, then divided into 2mm cubes. Using an ultrasound machine with a 0.9mm bent, 30 degree bevel tip, the on time was varied every millisecond (ms) from 2ms - 10 ms with the off time kept constant at 10ms. Efficiency (time to lens removal) and chatter (number of lens fragment repulsions from the tip) were determined.
The most efficient phacoemulsification was achieved with an on time of 6ms for an off time of 10 ms. Times shorter than 6ms were significantly less efficient (R2 = .82, P = .04) while times greater than 6ms did not result in a significant change in efficiency (R2 =.03, P = .78). Times between 9 and 10 ms had more chatter events compared to the 2-8ms groups(P < .0001).
With micropulsed longitudinal ultrasound 6ms on time was equally as efficient as longer on times, while shorter on times (2-5ms) had decreased efficiency. At 9 and 10ms on there was significantly more chatter noted. Therefore, in order to maximize phacoemulsification, we recommend an on time setting of 6ms.