Two-Year Follow-up of PCO Development and Glistenings for Two 1-Piece Hydrophobic Acrylic IOLs: Intraindividual Comparison

Monday, April 28, 2014: 3:35 PM
Room 155 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Björn Johansson, MD, PhD, Linköping University Hospital, Linköping, Sweden

Narrative Responses:

To compare two hydrophobic intraocular lenses regarding development of PCO and glistenings during two years after implantation.

In an intraindividual, comparative, prospective randomized study participants with bilateral cataract were planned for immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS). The first operated eye was randomized to receive either an Alcon AcrySof IQ SN60WF  or an AMO  Tecnis ZCB00 One-Piece intraocular lens (IOL), the second eye received the other of the two IOLs compared. Exclusion criteria were other visually disturbing conditions, previous intraocular surgery, or any complication damaging lens capsule or zonulae. 50 patients were included. Visual acuity and intraocular pressure measurements were performed as well as a slitlamp examination and photography 1 week and 2 years after surgery. PCO was measured using POCOman software. Glistenings in the IOL optic were semiquantitatively measured on slitlamp photos.

40 of 50 operated patients have been examined 2 years after surgery at time of abstract submission. 5 patients have died before 2 year follow-up visit. Mean percentage PCO area was 10.8% (range 0-45.1%, SD 13.5%) for Tecnis eyes and 11.2% (Range 0-75.5%, SD 14.0%) for AcrySof eyes. Mean severity PCO score  was 0.15 (Tecnis) and 0.14 (AcrySof). No statistically significant differences were found regarding PCO. In the Tecnis IOLs glistenings were found in 2 of 40 (grade 1 on a 4-grade semiquantitative scale) whereas 21 of the AcrySof IOLs had grade 4 glistenings, 7 grade 3, 3 grade 2, 2 grade 1 and 7 AcrySof IOLs had no glistenings detectable on slitlamp photography. 1 eye with a Tecnis IOL has received Nd:YAG-laser treatment.

Two years after cataract surgery, an intraindividual comparison between AcrySof IQ and Tecnis 1-piece IOLs shows no differences regarding PCO development. Glistenings are abundant in the optic of most AcrySof IOLs but appear (sparsely) in only two of the 40 Tecnis IOLs.  The 2-year ND-YAG-laser treatment rate is very low for both IOLs.