Functional Range of Vision With Profocal Shape-Changing Corneal Inlay

Monday, April 28, 2014: 1:21 PM
Room 154 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
José L. Güell, MD, Instituto de Microcirugia Ocular, Barcelona, Spain
Enrique Barragan, MD, Laser Ocular Hidalgo, Monterrey, n.l., Mexico

Narrative Responses:

To provide clinical guidance, based on empirical data, for the unilateral implantation of the RaindropTM Near Vision Inlay.

One-hundred and seventy-seven (n=177) patients that have been implanted in the non-dominant eye with the Raindrop Near Vision Inlay through a range of preoperative refractive errors (-0.50D to +1.75D MRSE) were used for the analysis. No excimer laser treatment was attempted to treat any refractive error in the inlay treated eye. Uncorrected EDTRS visual acuity at distance, intermediate and near, distance-corrected near visual acuity, patient satisfaction, task performance and visual symptoms were evaluated to determine the ideal preoperative refractive range.

MeanUNVA 0.1 (logMAR) was achieved by subjects across the whole refractive range studied. Mean UDVA 0.1 was achieved for subjects with preoperative MRSE between +0.25 D and +1.75 D. This very large range of preop acuity allowed other clinical factors to be considered. In order to minimize visual symptoms and maximize patient satisfaction, a statistical analysis found that the range of approximately +0.25 D to +1.50 D is optimum.

The Raindrop Near Vision Inlay provides excellent uncorrected visual acuities at all distances and patient satisfaction across a large range of refractive errors. Subjects with Preoperative MRSE between +0.25 and +1.50D treated with the inlay only achieve a full range of visual function.