Extended Depth of Focus IOL and Modest Monovision

Sunday, April 27, 2014: 3:46 PM
Room 150 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Graham D. Barrett, FRANZCO, Lions Eye Institute, Nedlands WA, Australia
Yokrat Ton, MD, Meir MedicalCentre, Kfar Saba, Israel

Narrative Responses:

To compare the visual performance of patients who had an extended depth of focus (EDF)intraocular lens (IOL) implanted targeting modest  monovision.

Patients undergoing cataract surgery  implanted with an extended depth of focus intraocular lens  with  positive spherical aberration  were targeted for emmetropia in both eyes  or modest monovision (-1.25D). Binocular unaided visual acuity for distance, intermediate and near, stereo-acuity were compared in both groups.

LogMAR unaided binocular visual acuities for distance, intermediate and near were -0.02, 0.06 and 0.3 in the emmetropic group (N=24) and -0.04, -0.04 and 0.2 in the monovision group (N=21), (p= 0.12, 0.001 and 0.02, respectively). Unaided stereo-acuity was found to be 68.7±57 seconds of arc with emmetropia and 72.6±64.8 with monovision (p=0.91).

Intermediate and near acuity was significantly improved in patients targeted for modest monovision with an EDF IOL compared to those patients targeted for distance acuity in both eyes. Stereo-acuity was not compromised with a modest amount of monocular myopic defocus and an extended depth of focus IOL.