Visual Loss After Osteocorticotomy of Maxillary Bone

Monday, April 28, 2014: 2:07 PM
Room 150 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Zahra Javdani, MD, AZJP.VILVOORDE, Mechelen, Belgium

Narrative Responses:

Diagnosis of unilateral visual loss after ostéo corticotomy of the maxilla in case of a 15 years old girl.

Clinical examination revealed loss of visual acuity to non light perception of the left eye.

The following investigations were performed :

  • Ophthalmplogical examination
  • Computed tomography scan of the orbit and brain
  • Arteriography with contrast of the blood vessels of the head
  • Complete blood examination
  • Cardio vascular examination

Eye pressur was 15 mmHg , biomicroscopical examination was normal, reflex photo motor was present in both eyes but much less reactive in the left eye.

Eye funduscopic examination showed at the left eye, white shine of the retina at the level of superior arteria temporalis.

Computed tomography scan of the orbit and brain was normal.

Patient was transfered for an arteriography with contrast of the blood vessels of the head. results was osteale occlusion of the arteria ophthalmica of the left eye.

Complete blood examination was preformed and the result was normal, cardio vascular examination was also normal.

acute blindness after ostéo corticotomy of the maxillary bone is very rare but is a possible complication. In this case the real reason is not still known.