Quantification of Occlusion Break Surge in Peristaltic-Based Phacoemulsification Systems

Monday, April 28, 2014: 9:14 AM
Room 152 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Ramón Lorente, MD, PhD, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Ourense, Ourense, Spain

Narrative Responses:

To quantify the degree of simulated occlusion break surge in various phaco-emulsifiers using vacuum-time measurement.

An oscilloscope based vacuum-time laboratory test fixture was used to measure the simulated surge amplitude and duration. The resulting surge area was calculated in mmHg-sec. Testing was performed with a controlled aspiration orifice (tip and handpiece). Occlusion break surge was simulated at vacuum levels from 300 to 600mmHg and at a bottle height of 90cm H20 above simulated patient eye-level for the three peristaltic-based phaco-emulsifiers: The Centurion Vision System (Alcon), the Infiniti Vision System (Alcon), and the Signature (American Medical Optics).

At vacuum limit of 300, 400, 500 and 600 mmHg, the Centurion system generated mean approximate surge values of 0.14, 0.31. 0.0.60, and 1.2 mmHg-sec, respectively. The Infiniti mean values were 0.87,, and 3.38 mmHg-sec, respectively. The Signature mean values were 1.04, 1.99, 3.00, 4.86 mmHg-sec, respectively.

The Centurion Vision System had lower occlusion break surge compared to the other two peristaltic-based phacoemulsification systems.