Use of Fukasaku Viewing to Retrieve Dropped Nucleus and IOL

Monday, April 28, 2014: 3:41 PM
Room 151A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Hideharu Fukasaku, MD, Fukasaku Eye Institute, Yokohama, Japan

Narrative Responses:

Demonstrate how to retrieve dropped nucleus, lens fragments and IOL in the "Fukasaku side viewing".

Using pig eye model which is cut perpendiculaly, we demonstrate how to retieve dropped nucleus and IOL. We also demonstrate same method in the clinical real cases of the dropped nucleus or IOL.

Dropped nucleus or IOL is a serious complication of the catract surgery and it needs difficult maneuver to retrieve them. Our "Fukasaku side viewing" explain the simple technique how to retrieve the dropped nucleus or IOL in a 3D image. Surgeon can understand our simple technique and master this technique with using the "Fukasaku side viewing" .

"Fukasaku side viewing" is useful to understand the intraoperative surgical technique in a 3D image and help the surgeon to master the intraoperative surgical technique.