Evaluation and Comparison of Patient Outcomes After Epithelium-on CXL in Patients Older Than 35 Years Considered to Be at Higher Risk for Complications With CXL

Saturday, April 26, 2014: 1:26 PM
Room 151B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Roy S. Rubinfeld, MD, Washington Eye Physicians, Chevy Chase, MD, USA
William B. Trattler, MD, Center For Excellence In EyeCare, Miami, FL, USA
Rosane Correa, MD, Rio de Janeiro Corneal Tomography and Biomechanical Study Group, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gabriela Perez, MS, Center for Excellence in Eye Care, Miami, FL, USA

Narrative Responses:

To evaluate and compare patient outcomes following Epithelium-On CXL in patients over the age of 35 who were considered to be at higher risk for complications with CXL.

This prospective, non-randomized trial evaluated patients who underwent epithelial-ON CXL. A subgroup of patients over the age of 35 that were enrolled was evaluated. Measures included UCVA, BSCVA, and spherical equivalent values at 3 and 6 -month post-Op visits.

102 eyes met inclusion criteria. 70% of eyes were male, 69% of eyes had keratoconus. Average time of latest follow-up was 6.2 months. 39% and 40% of eyes had improvements in UCVA and BSCVA, respectively. 55% and 45% of eyes experienced no change in UCVA  or BSCVA by the latest follow up visit, respectively.  Patients experienced an average change of +0.6DP of topography steep K and an average decrease of 0.6DP in Magellan mean K at the latest visit from pre-op. Patients experienced an average improvement in pentacam keratometry astigmatism of -0.03D and in manifest astigmatism of -0.58D.

Epithelial-on cross-linking appears to be safe and effective for patients of age 35 and over with ectatic corneal disease.