Finite-Element Model to Analyze Influence of Age-Related Ocular Rigidity on Visual Accommodation

Saturday, April 26, 2014: 1:06 PM
Room 155 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
AnnMarie Hipsley, PhD, ACE VISION GROUP, Silver Lake, LA, USA
George O. Waring IV, MD, FACS, Medical University of South Carolina, Mt. Pleasant, SC, SC, USA
Mark Wilder, MS, MBA, Triple Ring Technologies, Newark, CA, USA

Narrative Responses:

Using a customized software application 2D/3D Finite Element Model (FEM), an interactive algorithm is formulated to serve as a predictor of  biomechanical changes required in accommodative effort. A numerial simulation staging system for the progression of presbyopia based on material properties and geometry of applied scleral tissue modifications is offered.

A biomechanical algorithm can be formulated utilizing computational software for analysis of ocular structural changes of the anatomical parts of the eye related to accommodation, based on several key published works. This algorithm can be programmed into a mathematical software application to provide an interactive tool for the acquisition of diagnostic and experimental data bases. Manipulation and classiffication variables of age related functions using applied geometric and material property input are performed. The specific focus of the model is to isolate the impact of age-related ocular rigidity changes as it relates to its influence on Central optical power (COP) during accommodation.

Age-related and material composition alterations resulting in specific changes in the biomechanical properties of the sclera are modeled computationally using customized computer software. The influence of ocular rigidity on COP of the crystalline lens for accommodative effort are quantified and presented as it relates to the biomechanical impact of the aging process. Theconnection between the age-related material properties, geometric and refractive parameters as well as amplitude of accommodation are presented.

FEM derived biomechanical algorithms may prove helpful to establish acquisition of diagnostic and experimental data to predict presbyopic outcomes based on the alterations of the elastic modulus of sclera. Much attention attention has been on optical /mechanical properties of the lens. Ocular rigidity may be important in age-related changes in accommodation.