T&N Course  Ocular Trauma in Sports and Recreation: Series of Case Presentations

Saturday, April 26, 2014: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Room 157ABC (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)

Narrative Responses:

Synopsis & Educational Value
Course will provide an abundance of clinical images, focusing on the important exam findings ranging from less serious (corneal abrasions, traumatic iritis), moderately serious (fractures, hyphema, retinal detachment) to the most serious (penetrating ocular trauma, optic nerve avulsions). The key exam findings will be emphasized, along with appropriate management, including when the patient may require referral. Prevention strategies, such as protective eyewear, will also be discussed.

Learning Objectives
Attendees will recognize the ocular hazards involved in sports, and understand the management of the most common ocular injuries and those requiring referral.

Jean E. Ramsey, MD, MPH
See more of: T&N Course