ASOA Risk Management & Compliance

ASOA Course: Common Compliance Errors - - and How to Avoid Them
Alan E. Reider, MPH, JD and Allison Shuren, MSN, JD

ASOA Course: New (and not so new) Compliance Concerns
Alan E. Reider, MPH, JD and Allison Shuren, MSN, JD

ASOA Course: 1000 Audits Identify Top 10 Compliance Issues
John S. Bell, MBA, COE, CMPE and Michael A. Manere, BA, BS

ASOA Course: How to Safeguard Your Practice from Employee Theft
Jill B. Maher, MA, COE and Linda R. Georgian, COE

ASOA Course: Reimbursement Compliance Issues:  Getting It Right!
Alan E. Reider, MPH, JD and Donna M. McCune, CCS-P, COE, CPMA