Noninvasive Solution for Presbyopia Using Ophthalmic Formulation

Sunday, April 19, 2015: 9:11 AM
Room 3 (San Diego Convention Center)
L. Felipe Vejarano, MD

To evaluate the predictability, reproducibility, efficacy and reliability of this innovative noninvasive treatment for ameliorating presbyopia.

Prospective study of the results in pseudoaccommodation and real accommodation (subjective and objectively (with OQAS and iTracey)), refraction, visual acuity corrected and uncorrected for far and near distance, refractive change, pupil size, endothelial cell count, Schirmer test, IOP, Keratometry, Pachymetry and ACD using the PresbV Tears only one drop in each eye (not monovision).

Twenty presbyopic patients who received treatment with PresbV Tears, 9 emetropes, 5 post-LASIK in their youth and 6 post PresbV LASIK (Vejarano Method); the average age was 49, 65 years old within a range of 41 to 57, the measurements were taken previously, half an hour, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 hours later and 1 week and 1 month after. Globally the results are: improving one line of vision for far and three for near, minimal changes in pupil size, ACD, mild myopic shift only in the first hour and no changes in endothelial cell count and Schirmer test, decrease IOP in 2 mm of Hg at 4 hours and the keratometry get steep in the first hour typically showing the accommodation stimulus.

This is a promising, noninvasive and adjuvant solution for presbyopia patients; generating enough independence of glasses for the most activities in the normal life of the patients with no risks neither secondary effects.