Consequences of Pupil Dilation on Refractive Outcomes in Phacoemulsification

Tuesday, April 21, 2015: 10:01 AM
Room 4 (San Diego Convention Center)
Matthew D. Paul, MD
Samuel Zuckerman

The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast refractive outcomes of patients undergoing phacoemulsification with and without the use of a dilating pupil device.

In a retrospective analysis, 200 consecutive surgeries were divided into two group: those using a dilating device, and those not using a dilating device. All procedures were done in a temporal topical manner with self-sealing wounds. All patients received the same regimen of pre and postoperative medications.

There was no statistically significant difference in refractive outcome with the use of a dilating device. Patients with steeper corneas had slightly more induced astigmatism in those receiving the dilating ring, however these results were not significant.

The use of a pupil dilating device does not alter the refractive outcome of standard temporal topical phacoemulsification with self-sealing wounds. These results support the use of premium lenses and conventional nomograms in patients with small pupils or IFIS.