Enhancing Near Vision Results of Excimer-Based Presbyopic Procedure With Extending Depth of Focus Corneal Inlay

Saturday, April 18, 2015: 3:34 PM
Room 3 (San Diego Convention Center)
Roger Zaldivar Sr, MD

Most studies support that excimer based presbyopic procedures offer good vision at all distances. However, it is well known that prolate corneal profiles might experience an epithelial compensation decreasing the desired relative near add. Recent advances in Inlay Technology offer a new alternative for those desiring to preserve near and intermediate vision without decreasing vision at distance. This paper describes a new approach for enhancing results in excimer-based presbyopic procedures with a corneal inlay.

This was a prospective, single surgeon, 6-months study conducted at 2 sites in Argentina. 10 patients (10 eyes) who had previously undergone correction with the SUPRACOR algorithm (Technolas Perfect Vision) where selected for a Kamra Inlay procedure. Subjective questionnaires were administered preoperatively, 3 and 6 months postoperatively.

The residual refractive absolute error was -0,3 D. Uncorrected visual acuity was 0.1±0.2 logMAR at distance maintaining preop measurements. Patients gained an average of 3 lines for near visual acuity and showed objective improvements in intermediate vision. Spectacle independence was achieved in 100% of the patients for distance and near, with high levels of satisfaction reported. There were no minor adverse events described.

Based upon preliminary findings, the Kamra Inlay appears to be a very promising procedure for enhancing results in patients who had previously under gone an excimer-based presbyopic procedure. The combination provides an extended range of clear vision at all distances with minimal adverse effects.