Implantation of Hydrophilic IOL Through 2.2 mm Incision Using Pre-Loaded Injector

Monday, April 20, 2015: 1:06 PM
Room 3 (San Diego Convention Center)
Ashokkumar Vyas, FRCS

To evaluate the safety, predictability and reproducibility of pre-loaded injector for single-handed implantation of Rayner C-flex hydrophilic IOL through 2.2 mm incision.

The pre-loaded injector for Rayner C-flex IOL has a single piece design consisting of nozzle, loading area and plunger. The hydrophilic IOL is supplied pre-loaded in a chamber immersed in a blister pack with solution. The chamber gets loaded on the injector prior to implantation. Implantation is single-handed with second hand free for wound assistance if required. Through 2.2 mm incision, 20 consecutive IOL implantations were evaluated by a single surgeon under microscope for ease of loading, ease of implantation, undue rotation of IOL and visible damage to IOL surface or structure.

There were no problems reported while loading the pre-loaded IOL chamber on the injector, folding the IOL and implanting in the capsule bag. None of the implantation showed any rotation of IOL while unfolding. It was possible to implant the IOL through 2.2 mm incision with single-handed wound un-assisted technique in every eye. Under microscope, none of the IOLs showed signs of damage to the optic or haptics.

Pre-loaded injector designed for single-handed implantation of hydrophilic Rayner C-flex IOL through 2.2 mm incision was found to be safe, predictable and reproducible.