Microspheropahkia and Cataract in an 8 Year Old: Case Report

Friday, April 17, 2015
KIOSKS (San Diego Convention Center)
Jose Ramon Ponce Martinez, MD
Miguel Angel Villanueva Najera, MD

To present a case of a 8 years old patient with microspherophakia, high myopia and cataract. And the surgical technique that took place.

It is a pediatric patient who complained of losing vision in the right eye in the last year. No important clinical history. VA OD:light perception OS: count fingers 1m. PrevRx: OD: -16.00 D Sph OS: -12.25 D Sph. BCVA OD: LP oS:20/60. Retinosocpy OS: -15,00-100x15. OD: Spontaneous DVD 1, no red reflex, prominent lens with total opacity, iris pushed forward, open angle and poor dilatation. B mode echogaphy with no retinal patohlogy OS: normal.

The patient underwent phacoemulsification in the right eye with IOL implantation, during the procedure iris retractor hooks had to be used and a CTR was implanted in order to expand the lens bag due to the size and form of the lens.

After surgery she had a BCVA of 20/80 in the right eye and the IOL is centered. This case was well documented and good images from the anterior segment were obtained before surgery. The cataract extraction technique was challenging due to the small pupil and the microphseropakia wich required the use of several surgical aids in order to obtain a good result.