Glued Capsular Hook for Sutureless Transscleral Fixation of Subluxated Cataracts and IOL

Saturday, April 18, 2015: 1:47 PM
Room 5A (San Diego Convention Center)
Kala Satish, MD
Soosan Jacob, FRCS, MS

To study the safety and efficacy of glued capsular hook for sutureless trans-scleral fixation of subluxated cataracts.

This was a prospective non-comparative case series. A lamellar scleral flap was made centered on the area of dialysis. A 20 gauge sclerotomy was created under the scleral flap. The rhexis was engaged with a modified capsular hook implanted through the sclerotomy. A CTR was inserted for forniceal expansion. Additional trans-scleral or trans-limbal hooks were used if required. At the end of surgery, the hook was trimmed and stabilized within an intra-scleral Scharioth tunnel. All patients were followed up.

Glued capsular hook technique was used in 8 eyes of 8 patients. Causes for zonular dialysis were injury (n =5), intraoperative dialysis (n=1), congenital absence of zonular fibers (n =1) and Weill Marchesani syndrome (n=1). Additional translimbal hooks were used in 2 cases. Minimum follow up was for 6 months. Mean preoperative and postoperative CDVA were 0.23 ± 0.23 and 0.76 ± 0.17, respectively and mean preoperative and postoperative IOPs, 16.25±7.34 and 14.62 ± 2.5, respectively. All IOLs were well centered without tilt.

Glued capsular hook gives effective intraoperative support and postoperative stabilization of subluxated cataract and IOLs. Long term results are awaited.