Idrees Single Incision Phacoemulsification Technique

Tuesday, April 21, 2015: 11:11 AM
Room 4 (San Diego Convention Center)
Mohammad Idrees, MD, FCPS, FRCS (Edin)

The aim of study is to document a single incision phacoemelsification techniqe which is safe and easy for the surgeon and patient for better visual outcome.

A total of 45 patients were included in the study with 25 male/20 female patients having cataract without any ocular or systemic co morbid conditions.Complete ophthalmic examination and systemic evaluation was performed.All surgeries were performed by the same surgeon under local anesthesia.Main port incision was performed followed by capsulorrhexis and hydrodissection.A deep central trench was made followed by shaving the right side of the lens within CCC margins.Then inside out viscoelastic assisted hydrodelination was performed to prolapse the endonucleus.Aspiration phaco was performed after this. Soft lens matter along with epinuclear shell was removed by Simco irrigation and aspiration cannula.Viscoelastic was instilled in the anterior chamber and an IOL was implanted, dialled and centered in the capsular bag.Viscoelastic was removed by irrigation and aspiration.Main port incision was closed by hdration.

Patients were followed up for 6-12 months.There was no evidence of corneal endothelial decompensation.Patients had smooth recovery of vision with minimal astigmatism and rapid visual rehabilitation.

This technique of performing phacoemulsifications appears to be safe, easy to learn with promising results.