As an accredited provider by the Accrediting Council of Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), ASCRS must ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all its activities.
All individuals participating in a CME activity must disclose any financial interest or relationship with a company that produces, markets, resells, or distributes ophthalmic products/devices/drugs or services discussed in an educational presentation or lack thereof. Financial interest can include such things as grants or research support, consultant, stockholder, member of speaker’s bureau, financial relationships held by spouse, etc. The intent of the financial interest disclosure is to provide information to the ASCRS Program Committee to design and implement a balanced, independent, and scientific educational activity.
Potential faculty (instructors, co-instructors, authors, coauthors, producers, co-producers, presenters, panelists etc.) in ASCRS-sponsored and jointly provided CME activities must provide a complete listing of ALL financial relationships relevant to ophthalmology—not just those related to a specific talk—in the financial interest disclosure database. Any relevant financial relationship that occurred within the previous 24 months should be reported. Those who have no financial interests to disclose should indicate “none” in the database. Financial interest disclosure information will be kept on file and used during the calendar year in which it was collected for all CME-bearing activities.
The Financial Interest Index in the Real Time Program and Meeting App provides information to attendees, so they can make their own judgment regarding the interest or relationship and the materials presented.
To submit for the 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting, you must complete the Financial Interest Disclosure information in this database. All lead presenters must notify all co-instructors/co-authors/co-producers and faculty that they must enter their financial interest disclosure information. Submissions with incomplete financial interest disclosures will not be accepted for presentation.
To ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor, all faculty members who participate in the ASCRS Annual Meeting Program or other ASCRS CME activities are required to review the ASCRS Faculty CME Review Policies and Procedures, including:
- Planners, presenters, moderators and panelists for General Sessions and Symposia
- Lead instructors and co-instructors for Instructional Courses
- Lead authors/presenters of Scientific Papers
- Lead authors of Scientific Posters
- Lead producers/presenters of Scientific Films
- Lead of Expert Roundtable Sessions
This system ensures ASCRS’ continued compliance with the ACCME’s guidelines and ensures that ASCRS provides exceptional quality continuing education.
Go to and click on Submit Financial Interest Disclosure and ASCRS Faculty CME Review