Endoillumination-Assisted Cataract Surgery in Eyes With Corneal Opacities
Narrative Responses:
To describe the surgical techniques and outcomes of anterior chamber (AC) endoillumination assisted phacoemulsifcation and intraocular lens implantation (PE +IOL) in eyes with co existing cataract and corneal opacities.
To describe the surgical techniques and outcomes of anterior chamber (AC) endoillumination assisted phacoemulsifcation and intraocular lens implantation (PE +IOL) in eyes with co existing cataract and corneal opacities.
There were no intraoperative or post operative complications. In all cases AC endoillumination facilitated an uncomplicated capsulorhexis and PE procedure. All eyes had postoperative visual improvement compared to their best corrected preoperative vision.
In eyes with pre existing corneal opacities, an anterior chamber endoillumination devise can enhance the intraoperative view for the surgeon. The chandelier system can provide a “hands free” source of illumination facilitating the surgeon to safely perform a phacoemulsification procedure in such cases.