Comparison of Visual Results of 4 Diffractive Multifocal IOLs

Friday, April 25, 2014
KIOSKS (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Fernando Aguilera-Zarate, MD, Instituto de Ojos, Calexico, California, USA
Luis Escaf, MD, Clinica Oftalmologica del Caribe, Barranquilla, Colombia

Narrative Responses:

Compare Visual Result Differences Between 4 Multifocal Diffractive IOL Platforms

20 eyes of each IOL platform were included; at lisa 809 m/ restor +3/ tecnis mf/fine vision) no other ocular diseases were allowed. Preop, complete evaluation including corneal specular microscopy, macular oct, aberrometry and corneal topography-tomography were evaluated. Phacoemulsification was performed by same surgeon. Postop, final evaluation of visual results are reported at one year follow-up including unva and bcva at distance, intermediate and near distances.

All platforms performed. Similarly, within their respective distance and near focal platform performed better (although statistically non significant) at intermediate uncorrected visual distance.

Diffractive multifocal IOL's evaluated in this study performed similarly and were effective in distance and near visual acuity results.