Long-Term PCO Preventive Effect of Capsule Bending Ring 

Friday, April 25, 2014
KIOSKS (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Yutaro Nishi, MD, Nishi Eye Hospital, Osaka, Japan

Narrative Responses:

To evaluate the PCO preventive effect of capsular bending ring in Japanese eyes during the long term postoperative period.

Sixty patients with senile cataract underwent in one eye cataract surgery with implantation of a capsular bending ring, to create a sharp bending and prevent anterior and posterior capsule from being in contact for PCO prevention, over 10 years ago. In the other eye as a control, the ring was not implanted. Posterior capsule opacification in visual axis measured by the YAG capsulotomy rate and postoperative complications were investigated.

Among the aged sixty patients, four patients were not able to come for examinations.Three patients underwent YAG capsulotomy in one eye without a capsular bending ring within 3 years after surgery, while in the other eye with the capsular bending ring, even over 10 year-postoperatively, the optic center of IOL was completely free from PCO.Each patient was contacted to come for slit-lamp examinations and the updated data of the contacted patients will be presented.

The ring seemed to perform well during the long term period in keeping the visual axis free from posterior capsule opacification. Combined with Femtosecond laser treatment for precisely centered CCC, this ring may prevent PCO effectively.