Analysis of Wave-Shaping Automated System Versus the Combination Torsional-Longitudinal Phacoemulsification in Brunescent Cataract

Friday, April 25, 2014
KIOSKS (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Keiki R. Mehta, MS, DO, FIOS, Mehta Interntional Eye Institute, Mumbai, Maharastra, India
Cyres K. Mehta, MD, MCH, International Eye Centre, Colaba, Mumbai, India

Narrative Responses:

To compare the safety and efficiency of the new wave shaping technology with the torsional-longitudinal phacoemulsification techniques.

In this prospective study 200 patients were randomized into 2 groups, outcome measures were effective phaco time (EPT), cumulative dissipated energy (CDE) and surgical considerations. Postoperative outcomes were corneal oedema central corneal thickness (measured with an anterior OCT) final BCVA, endothelial cell quantitative evaluation measured at the 2 week level.

Both the torsional-longitudinal groups and Wave shaping groups had comparable demographics. The mean EPT and CDE and corneal oedema rates were significantly lower in the wave shaping group (p<001) At 2 weeks the endothelial cell loss was also significantly lower measured at 4 weeks however at that juncture, the BCVA were almost identical.

Wave shaping is a safer technique requiring lower phaco energies but both techniques are over time equally safe and give good results.