Results of PCO Prevention by Ultrasound Capsule Polishing After 3 Years

Friday, April 25, 2014
KIOSKS (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Keiki R. Mehta, MS, DO, FIOS, Mehta Interntional Eye Institute, Mumbai, Maharastra, India
Cyres K. Mehta, MD, MCH, International Eye Centre, Colaba, Mumbai, India

Narrative Responses:

To demonstrate significantly clearer capsular bags by Slit lamp photography of showing  the preventive effect on PCO proliferation after 2 years follow up using a new blunt ultrasound polisher.

To polish the capsular bag and remove lens epithelial cells (LEC) we used the Ultrasound polisher of a modified dental ultrasound device. The device can be applied directly to the LECs with a hand piece inserted into the capsular bag immediately following the cortical removal and just prior IOL insertion. Starting at the rhexis edge we removed LECs at the anterior capsular bag down to the fornix. Photographs of the capsules were done periodically by slit lamp photography. Cases were selected in different age groups from young ( 25-45 yrs) to older adults (50 +).

After 2 years follow up the preventive effect of capsule cleaning on PCO with a ultrasound polisher  is clearly visible. The posterior capsule shows significantly less PCO.

Removing LECs by an ultrasound polisher has a preventive effect on PCO formation.  Considering the increasing incidence of CLE as a presbyopic control technique, this technique is important. This cleaning method is very effective in contrast to pure mechanical cleaning procedures, which did not cause satisfying results in the past.