F79 Use of a Novel Capsular Anchoring Device to Treat Zonulysis in a Case of Decentered Trifocal Multifocal IOL

Friday, April 25, 2014
KIOSKS (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Ruth Lapid-Gortzak, MD, PhD, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Carla P. Nieuwendaal, MD, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ivanka J. van der Meulen, MD, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Video will show the use of a capsular anchoring device in a case of a decentered trifocal multifocal IOL secondary to zonulysis. The AssiAnchor device is a paperclip-like PMMA device that is clipped onto the capsulorhexis and then transsclerally sutured after tension and centration of the IOL have been adjusted. Video demonstrates clinical use of the device.

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