ASCRS Paper Session 4-D: CORNEA Endothelial Cell Count, Corneal Anatomy

Tuesday, April 29, 2014: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Room 154 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)

Narrative Responses:

Clara C. Chan, MD, FRCSC
Mohamed Abou Shousha, MD, PhD and W. Barry Lee, MD
8:00 AM
Welcoming Remarks
8:01 AM
Repeatability and Accuracy for Detecting Ectatic Diseases of Corneal Epithelial Thickness Measurements From Fourier-Domain OCT
Ana Laura C. Canedo, MD, Cornea Eye Institute; Rosane Correa, MD, Rio de Janeiro Corneal Tomography and Biomechanical Study Group; Fernanda T. Zaganelli de Barcellos, MD; Renato Ambr�sio Jr., MD, PhD, Inst. Olhos R. Ambr�sio
8:06 AM
Keratoconus and Keratoconus Suspect Classification Modeling Using Scanning-Slit Videokeratography
Mujtaba A. Qazi, MD, Pepose Vision Institute; Pete Kollbaum, OD, PhD, Indiana University; Michael D. Twa, OD, PhD, University of Houston; Cynthia J. Roberts, PhD, The Ohio State University; Jay S. Pepose, MD, PhD, Pepose Vision Institute; Ashraf M. Mahmoud, BS, The Ohio State University
8:11 AM
8:23 AM
Effect of Eyelid Surgery on Corneal Topography
Vasudha A. Panday, MD, Wilford Hall Medical Center; Charisma Evangelista, MD; Brett Davies, MD; Randy Mauffray, MD
8:28 AM
Change of Anterior Corneal Astigmatism and Posterior Corneal Astigmatism With Aging and After Cataract Surgery
Gyule Han, MD; Ja Young You, MD; Eui Sang Chung, MD, Samsung Medical Center; Tae Young Chung, MD, Samsung Medical Center
8:33 AM
8:45 AM
Correlation of Stage of Keratoconus and Corneal Endothelial Count and Morphology: Specular Microscopic Study
Mohamed-Sameh H. El-Agha, MD, FRCS(Ed), Cairo University; Yasmine M. El Sayed, MD, MRCSEd; Rana M. Harhara, MD
8:50 AM
8:55 AM
Alteration in Corneal Spherical Aberration After Myopic LASIK Procedure
AshokKumar P. Shroff, MD, Shroff Eye Hospital; Hardik A. Shroff, MD, Shroff Eye Hospital; Dishita H. Shroff, MD, Shroff Eye Hospital
9:00 AM
Clinical Feasibility and Repeatability of Ocular Straylight Measurement in Crosslinked Eyes
Ioanna Kontari, MD; Sophia Bourdou, RN; A. John Kanellopoulos, MD, Laservision.gr Institute
9:05 AM
See more of: ASCRS Papers