Ocular Axial Growth in Pseudophakic Eyes of Patients Operated for Monocular Infantile Cataract: Comparison of Operated and Fellow Eyes Measured at Surgery and 5 or More Years Later

Sunday, April 19, 2015: 3:16 PM
Room 1B (San Diego Convention Center)
Dina Tadros, MD
Rupal H. Trivedi, MD
M. Edward Wilson, MD
Jennifer D. Davidson, MD

To compare change in axial length (AL) and rate of AL growth of eyes operated for monocular cataract surgery to that of the fellow unoperated eye.

The study is retrospective analysis. Study population: Infants operated by one surgeon for monocular cataract before seven months of age. Inclusion criteria: Unilateral congenital cataract, and Corneal diameter ≥ 9 mm. Exclusion criteria: age at cataract surgery more than 7 mos  acquired cataract, persistent fetal vasculature (PFV) causing stretching of the ciliary process, corneal diameter < 9 mm, bilateral cataract, intraocular pressure ≥ 25 mmHg and residual aphakia.  Globe axial length was measured by immersion ultrasound at surgery and 5 or more years later.  Rate of AL growth was calculated as (postoperative AL minus preoperative AL)/preoperative AL x 100.

We identified 29 children fulfilling the inclusion criteria.  Average age at cataract surgery was 2.6 ±2.1 months, age at last follow-up was 7.7±2.7 years and duration of follow-up was 7.5±2.6 years.  15 eyes received a primary IOL while 14 eyes received a secondary IOL.  Preoperatively, AL was significantly different between operative and fellow eye (18.1mm vs 18.8mm, P <0.001), however, at final follow-up it was not (22.4mm vs 22.8mm, P =0.187).   AL growth of operative eye and fellow eye was not significantly different (4.2mm vs 4.0mm, P=0.451). Similarly, rate of growth of operative eye and fellow eye was also not significantly different (23.7 %vs 21.5%, P = 0.211).

Eyes operated for monocular cataract with primary or secondary IOL implantation have similar axial growth to that of fellow non-operated eyes despite having shorter axial length at the time of surgery.