Initial Experience and Clinical Outcomes With Presbyopia-Correcting Hydrogel Corneal Inlay

Sunday, April 19, 2015: 3:21 PM
Room 1A (San Diego Convention Center)
Miriam Zahorcova, MD

Initial experiences and clinical outcomes with hydrogel corneal inlay correcting presbyopia in multicenter commercial clinics in Central Europe.

Presbyopic patients were implanted unilaterally in the non-dominant eye with the hydrogel corneal inlay under a flap created by femtosecond laser and centered over the light constricted pupil. Manifest refraction, patient satisfaction, and visual acuities at distance and near were collected at various time points.

Mean age was 50 years (range: 42-58) with pre-operative mean MRSE of +0.90 D. At 1M (n=26), all patients were 20/32 or better (UDVA) and 20/25 or better (UNVA). 100% of patients were either Satisfied or Very Satisfied with the procedure. Complications were low with only one case of mild striae and 1 case of mild edema. Both cases resolved by 1 month.

Clinical outcomes of using hydrogel corneal inlay were very consistent between clinics with near vision improvement of 20/25 or better. Consistent low complication and high satisfaction rates in first initial cases make this inlay a viable option in treating presbyopia. 

*CAUTION: Investigational device. Limited by Federal United States law to investigational use.