The Annual ASCRS and ASOA Symposium and Congress
April 25 - 29, 2014
Personal Scheduler
Author Index
Ram�n Lorente, MD, PhD
27-107 ASCRS Course: Learning From Our Mistakes III: International Video Symposium of Complication Management in Cataract and Anterior Segment Surgery (Presented in Spanish)
27-303 ASCRS Course: Better Surgery Through Chemicals: Topical and Intracameral Agents for the Anterior Segment Surgeon
29-302 ASCRS Course: Spontaneous Late in-the-Bag IOL Dislocation: Etiology, Risk Factors, Prevention, and Management
In-the-Bag IOL Dislocation: Comparison of Presentation Characteristics and Surgical Outcomes in Eyes With and Without CTR
Intracameral Phenylephrine Versus Intracameral Epinephrine as Prophylaxis Against IFIS
Prospective Clinical Study Using Novel Phaco System With Intraocular System Target Pressure Control and Existing Phaco System
Quantification of Occlusion Break Surge in Peristaltic-Based Phacoemulsification Systems