ASCRS Cornea Track


ASCRS Course: Use of Surgical Adhesives and Amniotic Membrane in Ocular Surgery
John A. Hovanesian, MD, David R. Hardten, MD, Amar Agarwal, FRCS and Stephen C. Kaufman, MD, PhD

ASCRS Course: Mastering Transepithelial and Epi-Off Corneal Collagen Crosslinking for Keratoconus and Post-LASIK Ectasia
Roy S. Rubinfeld, MD, William B. Trattler, MD, Michael C. Mrochen, PhD, A. John Kanellopoulos, MD, Parag A. Majmudar, MD and Jonathan H. Talamo, MD

ASCRS Course: Achieving Proper Centration and Alignment in Intraocular and Keratorefractive Surgery
Daniel H. Chang, MD, George O. Waring IV, MD, FACS and John P. Berdahl, MD

ASCRS Course: Maximizing Refractive Cataract Surgery Outcomes With Intraoperative Aberrometry and Streaming Refractive Data
Vance M. Thompson, MD, V. Nichoals Batra, MD, Maria C. Scott, MD and Jonathan D. Solomon, MD

ASCRS Course: Better Surgery Through Chemicals: Topical and Intracameral Agents for the Anterior Segment Surgeon
William G. Myers, MD, Steve A. Arshinoff, MD, FRCSC, Minas T. Coroneo, MD, Daniel G. Dawson II, MD, James P. Gills, MD, Charles W. Leiter, PharmD, Jeffrey T. Liegner, MD, William F. Mieler, MD, Neal Shorstein, MD, John Ryder Wittpenn Jr., MD and Ram�n Lorente, MD, PhD

ASCRS Course: Ultrathin DSAEK
Massimo Busin, MD, Jacqueline Beltz, MBBS, FRANZCO, Silvana A. Madi, MD, Paolo Santorum, MD and Amit Patel, MB BCh, FRCOphth

ASCRS Course: Management of Iris Deficiencies
Michael E. Snyder, MD, Alan S. Crandall, MD, Ike K. Ahmed, MD, Kenneth J. Rosenthal, MD and Samuel Masket, MD

ASCRS Course: Descemet-Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty Under Challenging Conditions
M. Bowes Hamill, MD, Mitchell P. Weikert, MD, Surendra Basti, MD, Thomas M. Harvey, MD and Elizabeth Yeu, MD

ASCRS Course: Corneal Topographic Analysis and Anterior Segment Imaging: Pearls for Your Clinical Practice
Mitchell P. Weikert, MD, Douglas D. Koch, MD, Thomas Kohnen, MD, PhD, Surendra Basti, MD, Li Wang, MD, PhD, Cynthia J. Roberts, PhD and William J. Dupps Jr., MD, PhD

ASCRS Course: Transition to DMEK: Surgical Pearls and Pitfalls
Neda Shamie, MD, Brandon D. Ayres, MD, Michael D. Straiko, MD and Nicole R. Fram, MD

ASCRS Course: Ocular Surface Procedures in the Treatment Room
Clara C. Chan, MD, FRCSC, Allan R. Slomovic, MD, FRCSC, David S. Rootman, MD, FRCSC, Mauricio A. Perez, MD, Yakov Goldich, MD, Noa Avni-Zauberman, MD, Randall Ulate, MD and Neera Singal, MD, FRCSC

ASCRS Course: Innovative Uses of Adhesives in Anterior Segment Surgery
Terry Kim, MD, Amar Agarwal, FRCS, Sadeer B. Hannush, MD, David R. Hardten, MD, Robert J. Noecker, MD, MBA, Christopher J. Rapuano, MD, David C. Ritterband, MD and Jonathan B. Rubenstein, MD

ASCRS Course: Use of Femtosecond Laser for Complex Cataract Surgery: Cases That I Could Not Have Done Without the Femtosecond Laser
Richard S. Davidson, MD, Sonia H. Yoo, MD, Michael J. Taravella, MD, Alan S. Crandall, MD, James A. Davison, MD, Carlos Buznego, MD, George O. Waring IV, MD, FACS, Keith Walter, MD, Robert J. Weinstock, MD, William F. Wiley, MD and Beeran Meghpara, MD

ASCRS Course: Surgical Management of Subluxated Lenses
Ehud I. Assia, MD, Kenneth J. Rosenthal, MD, Boris E. Malyugin, MD, PhD, Vladimir Pfeifer, MD, Alan S. Crandall, MD and Marie Jos� B. Tassignon, MD, PhD

ASCRS Course: State-of-the-Art in Keratoconus Treatment: New Corneal Rings, Crosslinking, Thermal Treatment, DALK, and Femtosecond Laser
Francisco S�nchez Le�n, MD, Minoru Tomita, MD, PhD, Francis W. Price Jr, MD, Michael B. Raizman, MD, Efekan Coskunseven, MD and Renato Ambr�sio Jr., MD, PhD

ASCRS Course: From Basic to Advanced: Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
Vincenzo Sarnicola, MD, Enrica Sarnicola, MD, Edward J. Holland, MD, Sadeer B. Hannush, MD and Rajesh Fogla, MD, FRCS

ASCRS Course: Comprehensive Review of Femtosecond Laser–Assisted Cataract Surgery
Baseer Khan, MD, FRCSC, Raymond M. Stein, MD, FRCSC and Y. Ralph Chu, MD

ASCRS Course: Understanding Aberrations to Enhance Outcomes in Lens- and Cornea-Based Refractive Surgery
Samaresh Srivastava, DNB, Rohit Shetty, DNB, FRCS, Vaishali Vasavada, MS, Ronald R. Krueger, MD, MSE and Scott M. MacRae, MD

ASCRS•ASOA Government Relations Session
Brock K. Bakewell, MD and Edward J. Holland, MD

ASCRS Opening General Session
Edward J. Holland, MD, Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD, Richard A. Lewis, MD and Richard L. Lindstrom, MD

The Sunday Summit
Edward J. Holland, MD, Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD, Bonnie An Henderson, MD, Richard A. Lewis, MD, Donald TH Tan, FRCS, Thomas Kohnen, MD, PhD, Reay H. Brown, MD, Richard L. Lindstrom, MD, David F. Chang, MD and Kent Stiverson, MD

ASCRS Innovators Session
Edward J. Holland, MD

Hot Off the Press
David F. Chang, MD, Graham D. Barrett, FRANZCO, Reay H. Brown, MD, Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD, Clara C. Chan, MD, FRCSC, Bonnie An Henderson, MD, Boris E. Malyugin, MD, PhD, John P. Berdahl, MD, Susan MacDonald, MD, Bennie H. Jeng, MD, Jeffrey Kammer, MD and Husam Ansari, MD, PhD

S-1 Symposium: Management of Astigmatism
John A. Vukich, MD, Michael O'Keefe, MB, BAO, Louis E. Probst, MD, Jonathan B. Rubenstein, MD, Charles D. Reilly, MD and William B. Trattler, MD

S-6 Symposium: Survive or Thrive in the Modern Healthcare Environment: Clinical Changes to Practice
Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD, Kerry D. Solomon, MD, Thomas F. Burke and Bruce Maller

S-8 Symposium: Combined Symposia of Cataract and Refractive Societies
Edward J. Holland, MD, Graham D. Barrett, FRANZCO, William C. De La Pe�a, MD and Roberto Bellucci, MD

S-9 Symposium: What’s New in the Management of Corneal Ectasias
W. Barry Lee, MD and Christopher J. Rapuano, MD

S-11 Symposium: Pardon the Ophthalmology: Hot Topics in Cornea and External Disease
Terry Kim, MD, Edward J. Holland, MD, Richard S. Davidson, MD, John A. Hovanesian, MD, Thomas John, MD, A. John Kanellopoulos, MD, Francis S. Mah, MD, Neda Shamie, MD, Christopher E. Starr, MD and David T. Vroman, MD

S-15 Symposium: Update on Corneal Collagen Crosslinking
Terry Kim, MD and Doyle Stulting, MD, PhD


S-21 Symposium: New Technologies—What Do I Really Need?
Robert H. Osher, MD, Graham D. Barrett, FRANZCO, David F. Chang, MD, Richard L. Lindstrom, MD, Richard B. Packard, MD, FRCS, Fernando C. Trindade, MD, PhD, Abhay R. Vasavada, MS, FRCS and Boris E. Malyugin, MD, PhD

S-22 Symposium: Femtosecond Laser Refractive Cataract Surgery
Robert J. Cionni, MD, Jason J. Jones, MD, Douglas D. Koch, MD, Stephen Slade, MD and William B. Trattler, MD

S-23 Symposium: X-Rounds: Refractive Cataract Surgery to the Max
Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD, David F. Chang, MD, Steven J. Dell, MD, Stephen S. Lane, MD, Richard L. Lindstrom, MD, Stephen Slade, MD, Kerry D. Solomon, MD and Roger F. Steinert, MD